Eventlocation Kaffi Hús

Event location Kaffi Hús

The Icelandic Lounge at Europa-Park

Iceland: Spectacular landscapes, unforgettable natural spectacles and magical contrasts are best enjoyed in the lounge atmosphere of Kaffi Hús. The location boasts modern furnishings and a spacious outdoor terrace.

Step into this inviting atmosphere to experience your team event in a very special setting.

  • Overview
  • Seating
  • Technology, light & media
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Maximum capacity
150 persons
Room area
166 m²
Banquet seating
150 people
Special equipment
  • Air conditioning
  • Wooden floor
  • Additional outdoor area
  • Daylight
  • Installable microphone equipment
  • Installable projection surface
  • WiFi connection
  • Telephone connection
  • 220V connection

Enquire about the Kaffi Hús

Interested in experiencing the fascination of Iceland at our 'Kaffi Hús'? Contact us for more information, we look forward to your enquiry!

Additional venues

The diverse and lovingly themed bars, restaurants and cafés of the Europa-Park Resort offer the perfect setting for your business dinner, party or get-together.