Opening Hours

Park and Bathing Rules and Regulations

for visitors to the Rulantica Water World (hereinafter "you" or "visitor")


The purpose of the Park and Bathing Rules & Regulations is to ensure the whole Rulantica Water World area is safe, orderly and clean.

The Park and Bathing Rules & Regulations and all other rules & regulations are binding for the user. Legal regulations apply for inclusion in the contract concluded at the point of sale.


1. Parks

1.1. The rules and signs contained in the road traffic regulations (Straßenverkehrsordnung, StVO) apply to our car parks.

1.2. Visitors to Rulantica Water World park their vehicles in the designated visitor car park. Hotel guests may park either in the parking lot of the hotel they have booked (free hotel resort shuttle available) or in the designated visitor parking lot at Rulantica. The staff car park must only be used by Europa-Park and Rulantica Water World staff.

1.3. To ensure traffic runs smoothly, close attention must be paid to the instructions of our car park staff. Only park your vehicle within the designated parking spaces. If you can’t park your vehicle properly and this impacts traffic, ‘Rulantica’ may be forced to tow your vehicle at your expense and risk.

1.4. The designated parking spaces are not surveilled by Rulantica Water World. As such, a parking fee is only charged for the provision of the parking space and not for the surveillance of your vehicle. Please therefore ensure that you have closed your vehicle’s doors, boot, windows and sunroof before leaving it. We also ask that you ensure that any valuables are kept out of sight for your own benefit. If animals are left in the vehicle, our security staff has been instructed to remove them from the vehicle for animal welfare reasons. We accept no liability for damages incurred as a result of this.

1.5. Rulantica is not liable for the theft of or damage to your vehicle by third parties. This also applies to damages caused by storms, fire, hail, explosions and other exceptional occurrences. Any damage that, in your view, is caused by Rulantica Water World staff, must be reported to our members of staff immediately after you find it and, if possible, when you are still at the park, if this is reasonable. Otherwise, point 9.3. applies.


2. Admission authorisation, Rula band (entry and payment wristband) and lockers

2.1. Rulantica Water World premises may only be accessed through the designated visitor entrances with a valid admission ticket. Access to Rulantica Water World through the Krønasår hotel bridge is exclusively reserved for Krønasår hotel guests. Guests of other Europa-Park hotels must use the hotel entrance on the ground floor. Day guests (without a hotel booking) may access Rulantica Water World directly through the main entrance on the ground floor. Visitors without a hotel booking may access Rulantica Water World directly through the main entrance on the ground floor.

Each visitor acknowledges the Park and Bathing Rules & Regulations when entering Rulantica Water World, when buying a ticket or when accepting a Rula band.

2.2. Each visitor aged 4 or over will receive a Rula band in exchange for a valid admission ticket, which has a transponder (RFID technology). The Rula band is used as authorisation for entry and exit, etc. Rulantica Water World also gives each visitor with the Rula the option of making cashless payments for goods and services during their stay and having these added to their Rula band. If goods and/or services are bought or used, Rulantica Water World credits this to the visitor. This consists of Rulantica Water World deferring payment for the guest for the services provided until he or she leaves the park. By using the Rula band, the visitor is obliged to pay for accumulated credit through standard payment methods when leaving the park. Accumulated credit must be paid for immediately and in full. Payment on account is explicitly not permitted.

2.3. Each visitor (including small children) is obliged to provide a valid official document that proves the visitors’s age for the correct classification into a tariff group (adult, child, etc.) and for using services that require you to be a certain age by law (e.g. consumption of alcoholic beverages, etc.). This must be shown at the request of staff. If evidence is not provided, we are entitled to apply the higher tariff or to block certain services that require you to be a certain age if in doubt. The visitor is explicitly permitted to prove his or her age at any time. We reserve the right to reduce the credit limit of guests who have limited legal capacity to the extent that they can use funds that have been provided to them for this purpose or that have been made freely available to them by a legal representative (pocket money).

2.4. The Rula band must be worn at all times during your visit and must be shown on request. Please keep your receipt so that we can assign to you any credit used in case you lose your Rula band. If you lose your Rula band, a distinction is made as to whether or not services used by the visitor prior to losing the band can be determined as a result of the Rula band being lost. If services used by the visitor before the band was lost can be determined (through the receipt on admission, locker number, etc.), there is a claim to payment in the amount of the services used plus a replacement fee for the lost Rula band in the amount of €10.00, which the visitor must pay before leaving the park. If services used by the visitor before the band was lost cannot be determined, a flat rate, which is currently €50.00, will be charged for adult wristbands (aged 12 and over) and €15.00 for child wristbands (aged 4-11) plus a replacement fee for the lost Rula band in the amount of €10.00, which does not exceed damages ordinarily expected. The visitor is explicitly permitted to prove that Rulantica Water World incurred no damages or that it incurred significantly less damage than the flat rate. Rulantica Water World is also permitted to prove that it incurred more damage.

2.5. Authorisation to enter and stay on park premises applies to the general opening hours specified for Rulantica. If we need to close Rulantica Water World early for technical, organisational or business reasons, or because of weather conditions, which is not attributable to intent or gross negligence on the part of Rulantica Water World, there is no right to a full or partial refund of the admission fee.

2.6. If the visitor has booked a locker, he or she is responsible for locking the locker and for keeping the Rula band, which is also the locker key, safe. Putting money or valuables into a locker or valuables compartment provided by Rulantica Water World does not establish any duties for Rulantica Water World with respect to the items brought. In particular, it does not establish any safekeeping duty. It is the sole responsibility of the visitor to check that the locker or valuables compartment is securely closed when using them and to keep the Rula band safe. Lockers and valuables compartments that are still in use after the park closes will be opened by staff. The contents will then be treated as lost property. These can be collected during our opening hours once arrangements have been made to do so.

2.7. Admission authorisation expires when you leave the water park through the turnstiles. If, in exceptional cases, you need to leave Rulantica Water World briefly, contact one of our members of staff in the entrance area before you leave through one of the turnstiles. Only if they have given explicit permission do you have the option of re-entering the park after an agreed period of time in exceptional cases. If you leave Rulantica Water World without reporting this and without obtaining permission from reception staff in the entrance area, or if you return after the agreed re-entry time, you will be unable to gain re-entry.

2.8. Children under the age of 12 are only permitted to enter the park with an accompanying adult. Chaperones and parents are responsible for their children. Other rules may apply to certain events. Please note the respective instructions for these events. Brochures, web pages and, of course, Rulantica Water World staff is available for this purpose.

2.9. It is not permitted to sell vouchers, admission tickets or free tickets for Rulantica Water World in the car park or on park premises. If you don’t require or don’t want to redeem a ticket, please report this to the information point in the entrance area to Rulantica Water World.

2.10. Opening hours and a valid price list are made clear on display notices or can be seen at the point of sale.


3. General safety regulations

3.1. It is in your own interest to always follow instructions given by Rulantica Water World staff.

3.2. All visitors are required to behave properly and appropriately. You must refrain from causing any public disturbances, from deliberate destruction or soiling, improper conduct, jumping into pools sideways, hassling other visitors or damaging park premises, being verbally or physically violent, being insulting or verbally abusive, violating park rules and regulations, etc. Any offences entitle Rulantica Water World to take suitable action, such as issuing warnings, removing you from the park, filing a report, or similar action. Rulantica Water World also reserves the right to remove visitors from the park without compensating them if their behaviour is likely to affect or disrupt others.

3.3. Possessing and carrying weapons, dummy weapons or dangerous items such as firearms, sharp/pointy knives, chains, knuckle-dusters, pepper spray, stun guns, tools, large scissors, wires, crossbows, bows and arrows, blowguns, catapults, baseball bats, fireworks or other pyrotechnic items and any kind of discriminatory items or items that glorify violence or are unconstitutional, etc., is not permitted on Rulantica Water World premises.

3.4. It is not permitted for you to bring or operate drones or any kind of remote-controlled toys and devices. It is also not permitted to bring so-called "hacking gadgets" and similar devices that are suitable, for example, for the unauthorized interception, spying or processing of data.

3.5. It is not permitted for you to bring glass bottles and containers, porcelain, jars and other fragile items to Rulantica Water World.

3.6. Swimming flippers of any kind, inflatable swim toys, dinghies and lilos are not permitted in Rulantica Water World. Items that aid swimming, e.g. armbands or life jackets are only permitted in the designated areas. Life jackets are provided for the wave pool for free. Only slide aids provided by Rulantica may be used in slides.

3.7. Bulky and oversized items such as suitcases, trolleys and travel bags with wheels are not allowed in Rulantica Water World. In exceptional cases, these items can be stored on reception on agreement. Storage is free, but is at the risk of the visitor. Liability is explicitly excluded for Rulantica Water World in the event of loss or damage. The visitor agrees to this when handing over their luggage.

3.8. It is prohibited to bring animals into the Rulantica water world. This also applies to the outdoor area. Please see point 1.4. with regards to leaving animals in the car. 

3.9. For safety and hygiene reasons, motorised or non-motorised means of transport such as roller blades, buggies, bicycles, scooters, electric scooters, etc. may not be brought into Rulantica Water World.

3.10. Intentionally disruptive noise or the use of music equipment is not permitted. You may not bring with you or use any items that may disturb the peace, e.g. vuvuzelas, megaphones, horns or other musical instruments.

3.11. You must observe Rulantica Water World’s fire regulations. Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas, which also applies to e-cigarettes. Water pipes of any kind are not permitted. Please be considerate to those around you.

3.12. Barbecuing and bringing barbecue or cooking equipment is not permitted.

3.13. You are not permitted to consume food brought with you in the water world for hygiene reasons. Drinks that are not in robust containers may not be taken outside the catering areas.

3.14. You are not allowed to access stage, backdrop, backstage or service areas. You are not permitted to climb barriers, fences or walls.

3.15. The whole of Rulantica Water World, particularly outdoor areas and wet areas, may become slippery. Visitors are therefore advised to take necessary care and pay the required attention throughout park premises, i.e. barriers using ropes, fences, trees etc., to wear non-slip footwear, to avoid walking fast and running and to use the handrails provided.

3.16. All visitors are required to dress properly and appropriately. Nudity is not permitted, even with respect to small children. Suitable swimwear must be worn in the pools and attractions. Suitable swimwear includes swimming trunks and bathing shorts, swimsuits, bikinis, tankinis and burkinis. Swim nappies and swim pants are explicitly permitted for children. Swimwear must not be made from non-absorbent material. Wet areas must not be accessed if you are wearing street shoes.

3.17. Rulantica Water World reserves the right to remove visitors from the premises at any time without compensation if they are wearing make up in such a way or dressed or tattooed in such a way that other visitors, particularly children, could be offended, or dressed in such a way that they could be mistaken for Rulantica Water World staff or performers. You are not permitted to wear masks or completely cover your face. You are permitted to cover your face for religious reasons.

3.18. Bringing alcohol, possessing or consuming illegal narcotics and stimulants is not permitted and will be prosecuted accordingly. The consumption of cannabis and cannabis products is not permitted in Rulantica. You are permitted to buy and consume alcohol in Rulantica Water World if you are over 18. People who are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics may be removed from the park premises. 

3.19. You are not permitted to go through rubbish or collection receptacles. The contents of the receptacles provided are the property of Rulantica Water World. You are not permitted to take or transfer it from the premises.

3.20. You are not allowed to reserve sun loungers and deckchairs for long periods of time. After a reasonable period of time, Rulantica Water World staff is required to clear sun loungers and deckchairs that have been reserved and are unused, and to store towels and bags, etc. in a storage compartment.


4. Using the attractions and equipment

4.1. Themed water areas and slides in Rulantica Water World are available to visitors within the scope of the respective rules of use and intended purpose. There may be waiting times for attractions and slides.

4.2. The opening times for the individual sub-areas and slides may differ from Rulantica Water World’s opening hours. Technical or organisational downtime as well as shutdown or evacuation for individual sub-areas and slides shall not result in a right for the admission fee to be reduced or refunded.

4.3. In the event of thunderstorms or special weather conditions, the water world is entitled to temporarily or completely close individual or all sub-areas and slides to protect visitors. There is no claim to a full or partial refund of the admission price paid.

4.4. Certain sub-areas or slides are seasonal or may be closed for construction or maintenance, for operational or organisational reasons. Such closures may be made without prior warning.

4.5. The use of attractions, shows or equipment requires you to be in good physical shape and is at your own risk. Safety equipment must be used and safety regulations complied with. Use is permitted if you are wearing suitable swimwear. You are not permitted to wear jewellery such as rings, earrings, piercings, studs, etc. Other sharp objects are also not permitted for safety reasons. Wearing implants, pacemakers, medical pumps and similar items is permitted if you have consulted the treating physician and manufacturer in advance. However, Rulantica accepts no liability in the event of damage.

4.6. Visitors are obliged to check their own state of health before use, to obtain information about risks and to read and observe the rules of use and access as well as the safety regulations and provisions. Rulantica Water World is entitled to prevent certain people from using individual sub-areas and slides or from visiting the entire water world for safety reasons, e.g. due to their size, build, physical or mental disabilities, permanent or temporary impediments, pregnancy, etc. Exclusion for safety reasons is not discriminatory. It is purely to protect the visitor. For their own safety, we can only allow people with special needs access to Rulantica if they are accompanied by a person over the age of 18 who is suitable to supervise and support them.

4.7. It is particularly important to make sure to always exercise due care when getting on and off rubber rings and slides. Landing areas must be left quickly. In case of non-compliance or wilful disregard, individual persons may be excluded from using the attractions. In the event of violations or repeat offences, individual persons may be removed from Rulantica Water World. You do not have a claim to compensation in this case. The above-mentioned provisions also apply to queue-jumping.

4.8. The use of playground equipment and similar equipment is at your own risk. Adults are not permitted to use playground equipment in playgrounds. Special age regulations, which regulate the group of people permitted to use equipment, are binding and must be observed. Parents are responsible for their children.

4.9. The Rulantica water world has water wheelchairs available for people with disabilities who require a wheelchair. These can be borrowed free of charge for the duration of the visit. There are a limited number of water wheelchairs. The provision of a water wheelchair cannot be guaranteed. It is not possible to reserve water wheelchairs in advance.

4.10. Rulantica Water World visitors are liable for any damages resulting from the disregard of rules of use or through intentional damage.

4.11. In times of pandemics or other special situations, you are obligated to adhere to binding legal and official regulations, such as mandatory masks or distance regulations. If you do not adhere to these regulations communicated by us or our employees, we reserve the right to assert our domestic authority. Likewise, there is no claim for compensation in case you cannot visit Europa-Park or the Rulantica water world despite having a valid ticket if you personally do not meet a legal or official requirement, e.g. the required vaccination status. 


5. Responsibility

Adults and chaperones are advised that they must exercise their supervisory responsibilities with due care. Children and non- swimmers and people with disabilities must be supervised by adults or chaperones at all times. Non-swimmers are explicitly required to always stay in areas for non-swimmers. Visitors are also responsible for any damage caused by persons and/or children to be supervised even if the supervising person is not present on the premises on the day of the visit.


6. Advertising and offering goods & services

Advertising on park premises and in water world car parks or the offering of goods and services is only permitted with the prior written consent of management. This also applies to conducting of opinion surveys and counts. Advertisements and announcements for organisations, associations, interest groups or personal ideas of any kind are prohibited on park premises and within all buildings and rides, etc. and will be punished in each individual case through removal from the park, civil law enforcement and criminal charges for trespassing.


7. Video surveillance, filming and photography

7.1. Rulantica Water World has video surveillance. Surveillance is carried out for the safety of visitors and employees and to protect systems and equipment.

7.2. In Rulantica, photos or videos are taken in various slides during use in the sense of a 'snapshot' documenting the slide experience, which the visitor using the slide can buy at the exit area of the respective slide after the end of the experience as a souvenir and pay for at the exit of Rulantica.

In the entrance area of all slides equipped with such on-ride cameras, the taking of photos or videos during the slide is clearly indicated on a separate information sign. By using such a slide, the visitor hereby agrees and consents to the production of photos and videos of him/herself during the slide without remuneration. This consent, granted for the exclusive purpose of sale to the visitor as the authorised person, includes the short-term storage of the photo or video as well as the short-term display of the photo or video on monitors or similar devices after the use of the attraction, stating an order number required for the purchase.

We ensure that these photos and videos are only sold and distributed to the authorised visitor and are not distributed to third parties. After the end of the slide, each visitor has the option of requesting the immediate deletion of the photo or video depicting him or her from our staff in the nearest shop, stating the photo number, which will then be arranged immediately. Photos and videos that have not been purchased will be deleted at the end of the respective calendar day.

7.3. Insofar as film and photo recordings are made in Rulantica for television broadcasts, advertising or for other reasons, the corresponding areas or attractions are marked accordingly or this is easily visible. Each visitor is free to avoid these areas during the production period of the respective recordings. 

7.4. You are allowed to take your own photos and videos for private purposes provided that you don’t disrupt or disturb other visitors. You are not permitted to photograph strangers or groups you don’t know without their consent. Professional photography and filming for commercial use is only permitted with prior written consent. With the exception of the Dugdrob, Vildfál and Isbrekker attractions, the use of action cams (e.g. GoPros) with a head mount is permitted. Photography and filming is not permitted in the Snorri-Saga attraction for copyright reasons.

7.5. Photography and filming below water is only permitted with the explicit consent of staff.

7.6. If there is the suspicion that you have disregarded the aforementioned points, our members of staff are entitled to review images and to request that individuals delete them in the presence of the respective member of staff.


8. Visitor searches

8.1. Any visitor wishing to enter Rulantica Water World within the scope of these park rules and regulations explicitly agrees to be searched by the Rulantica Water World security team on a voluntarily basis. In doing so, security team instructions must be followed without restriction, otherwise access will be denied. The security team is entitled to search people to see whether they will pose a security risk as a result of bringing in or consuming alcohol/narcotics or as a result of bringing in weapons or dangerous items. Each visitor explicitly agrees that his or her clothing and belongings may be searched accordingly.

8.2. The security team is entitled to deny access to Rulantica Water World premises to people who pose a security risk as a result of their behaviour or items brought in with them.

8.3. The same applies to people who refuse to agree to their clothing and belongings being searched. The security service is further entitled to seize items which are not in line with the paragraph above, e.g. narcotics, weapons, etc. The security team is also entitled to search people who are already on Rulantica Water World premises.


9. Liability

9.1. The water world is liable for all damage caused by culpable breach of an essential contractual obligation by Rulantica Water World or its employees or due to gross negligence or intent.

9.2. In the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, liability in the case of simple negligence is limited to damage typical of this kind of contract that could reasonably have been foreseen. Essential contractual duties are duties that are absolutely necessary with respect to making the proper performance of the contract at all possible and that the visitor can normally trust and expect to be complied with.

9.3. Otherwise, Rulantica Water World is not liable for visitor damages. This does not apply to liability as a result of visitor damages caused by injury to life, limb or health and also does not apply to damages a visitor suffers as a result of an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the operator, its legal representatives or agents. The exclusion of liability also does not apply if there is mandatory liability under the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz), in the case of fraudulently concealed defects, and in the event of the provision of a guarantee for the condition of an item.

9.4. Rulantica Water World is not liable for items that are handed over to its employees or otherwise stored or deposited on the premises of the park. No liability is accepted for items (for example, mobile phones, jewellery, cameras, clothing, etc.), which sustain damage or are destroyed or lost during the use of certain sub-areas or slides.

9.5. If you find any lost items, you must hand these over to the nearest member of staff or to the lost property office in the entrance area of Rulantica Water World immediately. When doing so, we ask that you provide information about exactly where and when you found the item. Items found will be stored within the scope of legal retention periods.

9.6. Rulantica Water World is neither prepared nor obliged to take part in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.


10. Claim notifications

All Rulantica Water World equipment is carefully maintained and monitored. However, should you suffer damage through no fault of your own, please report the damage to the information point before leaving the water world. Please also report it even if you have reason to believe that an incident that occurred may cause damage at a later point in time.


11. Domiciliary right

Instructions given by Rulantica Water World staff must always be followed. Rulantica Water World is entitled to remove people who violate the park and car park rules and regulations at its own discretion and without compensation.


12. Final provisions

12.1. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies, with the exception of the UN Sales Convention (CISG). In the event that you have placed the ticket order as a consumer, i.e. you are a natural person and conclude the contract with Rulantica for a purpose that cannot be attributed to your professional or commercial activity and have your habitual residence in another country at the time of your order, the application of mandatory legal provisions within the meaning of Art. 6 (2) sentence 2 of Regulation (EC) 593I/2008 of that state remains unaffected by the choice of law made in sentence 1 if the law of that state would be applicable pursuant to Art. 6 (1) of Regulation (EC) 593/2008 without the above choice of law, i.e. in cases in which 

  • Rulantica carries out its commercial activities in the country in which you have your habitual residence, or 
  • Rulantica directs its commercial activities to that country. 

The preceding sentence does not apply, i.e. you cannot invoke the mandatory provisions of your country if a case pursuant to Art. 6(4)(a) - (e) of Regulation (EC) 593/2008 exists, in particular in the case of: 

  • contracts for the provision of services where the services owed to the consumer must be provided exclusively in a country other than the country in which the consumer has his habitual residence; 
  • transport contracts, with the exception of package travel contracts within the meaning of Council Directive 90/314 EEC of June 13, 1990 on package travel, package holidays and package tours (1); 
  • contracts relating to a right in rem in immovable property or to the rental or lease of immovable property, with the exception of contracts relating to timeshare within the meaning of Directive 94/47/EC.

12.2. If you have placed your order as a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of performance for all services arising from the business relationship with us and the exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of Rulantica. This shall not affect our right to bring an action before a court at another statutory place of jurisdiction. In all other respects, the applicable statutory provisions shall apply to jurisdiction - subject to paragraph 12.3 below.

12.3 If you have placed the ticket order as a consumer and have your usual place of residence in a country that is not a member of the European Union and not a member of the Lugano Convention, the exclusive place of jurisdiction is the registered office of Rulantica.

12.4 If you had your place of residence or habitual abode in Germany when this contract was concluded and have either moved it out of Germany at the time the action is brought by us or your place of residence or habitual abode is unknown at this time, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from and in connection with the contractual relationship between us shall be the registered office of Rulantica.

12.5 The EU Commission has created an internet platform for the online settlement of disputes. The platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online purchase contracts. Further information is available at the following link: We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

12.6 Should a provision of these terms and conditions and the other agreements made be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions.


Status: September 2024, subject to change.